Sunday, September 5, 2010

Keep Praying

We are still at a crossroads in our adoption process. We're not sure which way to turn . . .wait on Rwanda or transfer to another country? We're praying for God's leading in this and hope we hear His still small voice to answer our call to adoption. We thought we heard Him over the past year saying "adopt from Rwanda" but maybe He was just saying "adopt"! Please keep praying for us.

-- Stephanie

1 comment:

  1. We will be praying for you and your family. We were in the same position. We were paperchasing, and had just finished our homestudy when we got the news. This is such a hard decision. It was one we prayed over a while as well. We will pray for peace for you and for your child, wherever they may be.
    We decided to transfer to Ethiopia and we plan on returning to adopt from Rwanda with our next adoption. We will be praying.
