Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Roadblocks & Speedbumps along the way to International Adoption

Last August, we encountered our first "road block" in international adoption when the doors to adoption in Rwanda were temporarily closed. At that time we prayed continuously and felt God's leading to Ethiopia. But, as advised we knew that any type of international adoption is always filled with uncertainties. Here's one more . . . see article below. We are hoping and praying that this will be just a "speed bump" in our journey and not another road block.

This is an article posted by our adoption agency, America World, on Facebook today:

"America World is asking all families to be in prayer for the Ethiopian adoption process. The Ministry of Women and Children’s Affairs (MOWA) has stated a desire to reduce the number of recommendation letters they write each day for families in the court process. The number of recommendation letters have already started to decrease and we anticipate this will continue over the next few weeks as the court, MOWA, and other entities meet to discuss MOWA’s desire to decrease the number of recommendation letters they write overall."

"Even as this continues to unfold, we know that the Lord places the lonely in families, and that the enemy does not want to see this happen. Please pray that God will break down the strongholds set up against adoption, and that His Spirit will direct the decisions being made in the coming days and weeks in Ethiopia. Pray for all of the families and children affected by decisions being made and that they will experience God’s peace and comfort through this time."

Keep us in your prayers as we continue this journey to our baby boy!